Monday, May 7, 2012

No practice - I haz teh sadz....

It' so beautiful out, and surprisingly nicer than yesterday! Instead of an indoor, stuffy, hot endurance practice - we went to a lovely park in Keizer, OR and as a league (or those of us that were able to make it that is) skates some laps and played poker. It was such a great idea, I had no idea what the prizes were but it sure made me want to skate faster and get my cards! I ended up winning a glitter makeup palette. It will certainly come in handy next weekend for our bout! Ugh...our bout. ~insert giddy/excited/terrified/confident/constipated look here~ I'm excited overall...but it's my first bout against the Rydell Belles. They have been a team longer than us, and have some solid hitters. I'm not doubting our ability to walk (skate) away with the win by any means - but it's nerve wracking just the same.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Derby update

It's really been almost a year since I've posted here? Well that's certainly about to change... So, it's now May, and a lot has happened for me in derby over the last year. I now skate with Cherry City Derby Girls in Salem, OR and I love it so much. I transferred down there in Jan and was drafted to the Thrill Kill Kittens in Feb. I have the most amazing, caring, lovable, determined team. It's so great leaving practice feeling really good about myself, or leaving a scrimmage not wanting to cry lol. I got bronchitis about a month ago, and tonight was my first practice back in about 3-4 weeks. It felt so good! We practiced jumping the apex (which I did and felt great about!!) and we were able to scrimmage so I jammed twice - which is super huge for me, as I have a serious mental block about jamming right now. Thank you anxiety. So our next bout is May 12th, against the Rydell Belles. I'm pretty excited about this one, they've got some really great hitters/blockers and it will for sure be a challenge...but we can totally walk away with a win <3